Pune Real Estate Market News, Kharadi Real Estate

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Buying Property? Take Your Wife Along.

Buying Property? Take Your Wife Along.

“As a rule I don’tconsider a purchase inquiry as legitimate unless the lady of the house inattendance”
This is an actual quote made by one of pune’s leading realestate firms. Such a statement speaks volumes, and deserves in-depth analysis.It reflects the sentiments of almost all experienced property consultants inMaharashtra and beyond. The plain fact is – when it comes to choosing andbuying a home, a man’s ‘natural’ authority and predominance take the back seat.Let’s review a few more statements made by real estate agents from across thecity:
“The man of the house may wield the money… but when it comesto buying a residence, it is his wife who decides when and where to spend it”
“Homes are made by women, not men. Every man knows this, anddefers to the judgment of the women in his life in such matters.”
“I don’t see a sale happening unless the client’s wife hasapproved and endorsed it.”
Take it any way you want, but the fact remains that mostproperty dealers – be it builders, agents or marketing executives – do not takeinquiries made solely by men seriously. Yes, it is male oriented society. Yes,the male is the stronger of the species. Yes, he has the final say in mostmatters. But not in issues of residence procurement.


“Actually it is nothing but simple, basic psychology” saysone of the above quoted sources.
“One of a man’s most fundamental drives is to please thewomen in his life. If it isn’t his wife, it will be his mother – but he seeksher approval. In fact, most male-dominated activities are centered around thistruth. Also, women have a genetically encoded gift for homemaking, and muchbetter perspective about what should be included or excluded. A man depends onthe woman to make his home comfortable and suitable for family life.”
There is, of course, more than just psychology attached tothis. There are very practical considerations to it, too. A property dealerwill only see a final deal coming when a woman is present because:

·It is woman who spends the most time in residence.

·It is the woman who has deep, practical knowledge of what is and isn’t required in home.

·It is thewoman who can instinctively judge whether or not a residence’s price fits intothe family budget.


·Futuremaintenance costs.

·Safetyfactors concerning present or future children and elderly family members.

·Thesuitability of the neighborhood.

·Theavailability of vegetables, groceries and other necessities of day to dayliving.

·Requiredroom space for children.

·Availabilityof storage space in the form of lofts, closets etc., in kitchens and bedrooms.

·Healthfactors (hygiene of immediate surroundings, proper drainage, means of garbagedisposal, noise levels, etc.)
“When a man walks into my office unattended by his wife,mother or sister, I know that this is not a serious prospect” concludes ourcorrespondent. “It is man’s nature to make pointless, non-serious inquiries,but a woman usually means business when it comes to investigation ofresidential options.”
What does this add up to, practically speaking? It ispossible that a man not accompanied by his spouse will not receive the kind ofattention from a builder or estate consultant that he would if she were withhim. Nor is he likely to be told the more intricate details of the property heis inquiring about.
Whether this seems fair or not, it is best to accept thethings one cannot change. In other words, ensure that the woman of the housecomes along when you go for serious home prospecting. It will make asignificant difference.

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